Shepherds Market Iowa started in 2012 in Vinton, IA. We are your Eastern Iowa fiber destination to end the winter, scheduled for the first Saturday in March. Plan to spend a day shopping with your favorite fiber vendors, spinning or knitting with others, watching demonstrations, and catching up with lots of other fiber people. Our location is convenient just off highway 218 on the south side of Iowa City. If you have never been to a fiber festival before, don't know anything about spinning yarn or how wool, alpaca, and other natural fibers become clothing, please come and see how we do it!
Our vendors come from Iowa and surrounding states. Our teachers are also from this area. Many of the fiber products you will see cannot be found in a commercial location. Meet the people who raised the sheep with such gorgeous wool, who spun or dyed the yarn, who wove the rug. We are all ready to share. Be part of our heritage and our community.
Shepherds Market Iowa is run by a group of volunteers. If you would like to volunteer, contact Ellen Sakornbut, fibercurioandsundries@gmail.com.