- AriBo Arts - https://www.facebook.com/AriBoArts
- Bird and Boxer Pottery - https://www.facebook.com/BirdandBoxerPottery
- CE Acres - Shetland fleeces, roving, and yarn
- Circular Sock machine demonstration
- Dancin Woods Alpacas - https://www.etsy.com/shop/DancinWoodsAlpacas
- Ewe-nique FIbers - https://www.facebook.com/people/Wolf-Creek-Farms
- Fiber Curio and Sundries -https://www.etsy.com/shop/fibercurioandsundries
- Harvest Hill Acres - https://harvesthillacres.com
- Homespun Family - https://www.homespunfamily.net
- Honey Gold Acres - https://www.etsy.com/shop/honeygoldacres
- Hook and Shuttle - https://www.hookandshuttle.com
- Lambs Lane - Barbara Zumdome
- Leading Men Fiber Arts - https://www.leadingmenfiberarts.com
- Lily's Country Soaps - https://www.lilyscountrysoaps.com
- Kato Yarn Company - https://www.katoyarncompany.com
- Melissa's Yarn Barn - https://www.etsy.com/shop/MelissasYarnBarn
- ModeKnit Yarn - https://www.modeknityarn.com
- Mysterys Meadow Alpacas and Artisan Fiber Mill
- Plum Creek Fiber
- Rainbow Feather Farm
- SpinDoctor demonstration and assistance
- Twine Craft Goods
- The Wool Yard - wool pellets for your garden
- Two Gals Baskets
- 2 Guys Yarn Company - https://www.2guysyarn.com